Traum’Armonia YOGA

Harmonize your Body, Empower your Life

Yoga and Endometriosis

What is Yoga for Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects nearly 2 out of 10 women in European countries. It is characterized by more or less intense pain that can occur at different times of the cycle. On average, the diagnosis is made almost 7 years after the symptoms of discomfort first appear.

Today, yoga is increasingly used to relieve pain and other symptoms related to endometriosis. It allows women who practice it to significantly improve their quality of life.

Among other things, the practice of yoga has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces oxidative stress, which is an aggravating factor in chronic inflammation.

The Endo Yoga Flow® method is a yoga therapy adapted to women with endometriosis, adenomyosis or painful or heavy periods.

During the sessions, you will practice different breathing techniques and postures that will help relax the pelvic floor and reduce pain, fatigue and adhesions. From the first session, you will have the basic knowledge to alleviate your own pain in case of a crisis.

Before the first session, we will have a 30-minute interview during which we will discuss your different symptoms in order to set up a course tailored to your specific needs.

It is recommended to practice for two months at a frequency of one hour per week (8 hours in total) to learn and implement the main techniques.

At the end of your 8 sessions, you will leave with a personalized video of the postures adapted for you so that you are independent in your practice.

To learn more about the benefits of yoga for endometriosis :

Classes and fees

Private Home tutoring

Private online class

1h → 120.-
8h → 930.-

1h → 100.-
8h → 770.-

Tip: To further alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis, consider a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet.